Friday, April 15, 2011

Community Cultivators Bike Brigade of the East Austin Urban Farm Tour

One year ago sunday, the inception of Community Cultivators began at East Austin Urban Farm Tour. In a chance meeting, a vibrant community would soon take shape and come to be know as our now beloved Community Cultivators.

In honor of this most auspicious occasion, Community Cultivators invites you to join us on a Bike Brigade of this, the second annual, East Austin Urban Farm Tour.

Buy Tickets for the East Austin Urban Farm Tour here!

Tickets are only $35 and proceeds benefit the the Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance. Tour includes cooking demos and tastes by local celebrity chefs and samples of local wine, beer, and spirits!

We'll meet at the unforgettable Permaculture Park (3609 Pennsylvania Ave) at noon. We'll leave out for the Hausbar Farm at 12:45pm.

The pace will be slow and mellow to accommodate even the greenest riders and this event is 100% child friendly so bring along the tikes with bikes and remember, children under 12 get in FREE!!

If you can't make the meet and greet at the Permaculture Park, meet us at Hausbar Farm at 1pm or link up with the Bike Brigade anywhere along the way!

After an amazing day enjoying local fare and touring East Austin's wonderful Urban Farms, the Brigade will make the trek north to join other party goers to bid Mary Hess a loving farewell with more friends and fabulous food.

Please join us for this very special event in honor of the still very young but thriving Community of loving Cultivators!

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